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The Paralos and Salaminia were the two quick government ships in ancient Athens, also known as "sacred triremes " (hierai triereis) were described. You can start from the 5th century BC. Be proven.

In the 4th century BC Chr. Instead of Salaminia the ammonis is attested next to the Paralos ; in Hellenistic times there were other ships of state, the Demetrias and Antigonis .

The main task of Paralos and Salaminia , famous for their speed, was the transport of festive embassies (theoroi) , especially to the sanctuary on the island of Delos , and the transport of messengers on diplomatic missions. Well-known examples are the use of the Salaminia to recall Alcibiades from the Sicilian expedition or the use of the Paralos for an embassy of the Athenians to Alexander the Great in Tire in 331. The rowers of the Paralos formed their own cult community , which regularly appeared at the sanctuary of the god Paralos, which was probably in Piraeus . The same can be said for the occupation of the Salaminia (whose name goes back to either the sea battle of 480 BC or earlier disputes between Athens and Megara over possession of the island of Salamis). According to the Athenaion Politeia , the chairman (tamias) of the cult community was elected by the popular assembly.


  1. ^ A b Aristotle , Athenaion Politeia 61, 7.
  2. Thucydides 6:53.
  3. Arrian , Anabasis 3, 6, 2.