Solomon ha-Adani

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Solomon bar Joshua ha-Adani (also Schlomo ha-Adeni; * 1567 ; † approx. 1625 ) was a Jewish scholar of the 16th / 17th centuries. Century, best known for his Mishnah commentary.


In Yemen born Solomon ha-Adani came with his family in 1571 to Safed , 1577 or 1578 to Jerusalem . He later lived in Hebron , where he earned a living as a teacher, but devoted himself mainly to studying the Mishnah and the Talmud . He was married twice. His first wife, whom he married in 1590, their daughter and two sons probably died in 1600 of an infectious disease. From his second marriage he had eight children, who also all died in childhood. Little is known about his later life. The last news about Ha-Adani dates from 1625.


Solomon ha-Adani's main work is the Mishnah commentary Melekhet Schlomo , in which he tried to produce a reliable text of the Mishnah on the basis of numerous manuscripts and to explain its meaning. He wanted to achieve this by summarizing and supplementing the rabbinical discussion, if possible with recourse to the primary sources. Ha-Adani's commentary was first printed in 1905. Another work by ha-Adani, Divrei Emet with annotations on the Bible, existed only in manuscript. It was still used by Chaim Joseph David Azulai (1724–1806) and has been lost since then.


  • Günter Stemberger , Introduction to the Talmud and Midrash . 8th revised edition, Munich 1992, ISBN 3-406-36695-3 .
  • Article Adeni, Solomon bar Joshua , in: Encyclopedia Judaica , 2nd edition. Keter, Jerusalem, and Macmillan Reference, Farmington Hills 2006, Vol. 1, p. 390