Samoela Jaona Ranarivelo

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Ranarivelo Samoela Jaona (born January 25, 1962 ) is the Anglican Bishop of the Malagasy Diocese of Antananarivo . It was consecrated on June 29, 2008 in the Cathedral of Saint Laurent in Ambohimanoro . He is the fourth bishop of Antananarivo .


Ranarivelo received his education at the Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique Antsiranana and Vontovorona . He later studied theology at the Institut Supérieur de Théologie et de Philosophie à Madagascar , today's Catholic University of Madagascar , in Ambatoroka . Further studies in philosophy took him to the University of Toliara . In 1995 he was ordained a deacon and in 1998 an Anglican priest in the Cathédrale St Laurent . He worked as a parish priest in the Ankilifaly Anglican Church in Toliara before undertaking further theological studies at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in Pietermaritzburg , South Africa . He is currently chairman of the Central Office of the Eklesia Episkopaly Malagasy (Malagasy Episcopal Church), which unites the Anglican dioceses in Madagascar. The diocese of Antananarivo belongs to the Indian Ocean Province of the Anglican Church.

Individual evidence

  1. | Séminaire anglican d'Ambatoharanana, .
  2. ^ Anglican Communion Office: Diocese - Indian Ocean - Antananarivo .
  3. Le Rév. Ranarivelo succède à Mgr Rabenirina - .
  4. univ-antsiranana . (2020-05-23)
  5. Katedraly St Laurent Ambohimanoro .
  6. ^ Anglican Communion Office: Member Church - Indian Ocean .


  • Randrianja Solofo (ed.): Madagascar, le coup d'Etat de mars 2009. KARTHALA Editions 2012: p. 103 . ISBN 2811149759 , 9782811149758

Web links

predecessor Office successor
Remi Joseph Rabenirina Bishop of Antananarivo
2008 -