Samu Gryllus

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Samu Gryllus (* 1976 in Budapest ) is a Hungarian bass guitarist, sound painter , composer and conductor.

Gryllus studied jazz bass from 1995 to 2000 at the Franz Liszt Music Academy in Budapest. Until 2007 he was a student of Klaus-Peter Sattler (media composition ) and Michael Jarell at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna . He also studied music theater in 2005 as a participant in the Erasmus program with Daniel Ott at the Berlin University of the Arts and from 2008-09 as a Fulbright scholar with Alvin Luxier and Anthony Braxton at Wesleyan University .

Since the age of 15, Gryllus has composed over 40 theater, film and radio productions in several countries. Some of his songs were performed in February 2009 by Beáta Palya et al. a. sung at Carnegie Hall . His first chamber opera premiered in 2007 in the Sophiensælen in Berlin . In 2009 he worked with the Kitchen Budapest Innovativ workshop on an interactive sound installation with four iPhones and video projection. This was first presented in the Brooklyn Museum in autumn 2009. In some pieces he uses musical tarot cards designed by Louisa Bufradeci with improvisational instructions. As an instrumentalist, he is a member of the EAR (ElektroAcousticResearch) ensemble , the WUEAIO (Wesleyan UniversityElektroAcousticIlluminationOrchestra) , the WH performing group and the artist group IKULT (International Culture Platform). With Rupert Bergmann he founded the association MuPATh (MusicPerformanceArtTheater) . He is the founder of the Hungarian Soundpainting Society (Maszat) and a member of the International Society for New Music - Austria Section.

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