Samuel Köleséri from Keres-Eer

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Samuel Köleséri von Keres-Eer (* 1663 in Szendrö , † 1732 in Sibiu ) was a Transylvanian doctor, councilor, inspector general of the gold mines of Transylvania and member of the " Leopoldina ".


Samuel Köleséri von Keres-Eer first studied theology in Leiden. Before 1685 he acquired the title of "Magister Artium". From 1685 he also studied medicine in Leiden and at German universities. He then settled as a doctor in Sibiu, where in 1707 and 1709 he published medical papers on the scurvy and plague that struck Transylvania. In Sibiu he became a doctor of the Transylvanian Gubernium , Inspector General of the gold mines of Transylvania, and later Gubernialsekretär Gubernialrat. In 1717 he published his work "Auraria romano-dacica", in which he described the history of the gold mines in Transylvania. In addition to his own experience, in this opus he referred to Pliny the Elder . A chapter is also devoted to the Dacian and Transylvanian coinage. This work led to the admission of Köleséri to the "Leopoldina" on October 18, 1719. There he was nicknamed "CHRYSIPPUS I." Köleséri von Keres-Eer left behind over 40 medical, historical, philosophical and other works, both in Latin and in Hungarian. Samuel Köleséri von Keres-Eer corresponded with other members of the Leopoldina, e.g. B. in St. Petersburg .

Works in the ephemeris of the "Leopoldina"

  • Observatio 88: De Apostemate Hepatis curato
  • Observatio 89: De vomica pectoris
  • Observatio 90: Intestini para extra abdomen pendulum
  • Observatio 91: De transmutatione ferri in cuprum
  • Observatio 92: Achates etc. Transylvaniae
  • Observatio 93: Mures agrestes


  • Stephan (István) Weszprémi: Succincta Medicorum Hungariae et Transilvaniae Biographia. Centuria prima , Lipsiu 1774, reprinted in Budapest 1960, Vol. I, pp. 166-167.
  • Arnold Huttmann : Medicine in old Transylvania , Hora Verlag Hermannstadt / Sibiu 2000, pp. 297-306.
  • Johann Daniel Ferdinand Neigebaur : History of the imperial Leopoldino-Carolinische German academy of natural scientists during the second century of its existence. Friedrich Frommann , Jena 1860, p. 208 digitized
  • Rainer Slotta , Volker Wollmann, Ion Dordea: Silver and Salt in Transylvania, Vol. 9, German Mining Museum , Bochum 2010.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Siebenbürger Zeitung of August 20, 2010: Transylvanian Mining: "Auraria Romano-Dacica" in German translation , accessed on November 18, 2017.
  2. member entry by Samuel Köleséri of Keres Eer at the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina , accessed on 18 November 2017th

Portrait stitch