San Andrés Mixquic

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San Andrés Mixquic
Coordinates: 19 ° 14 ′  N , 98 ° 58 ′  W
Map: Federal District
San Andrés Mixquic
Location in the federal district
Basic data
Country Mexico
Capital district Mexico city
Delegación Tlahuac
Residents 13,310  (2010)
Detailed data
Día de los Muertos in San Andrés Mixquic
Día de los Muertos in San Andrés Mixquic
The Templo of San Andrés Apóstol, Mixquic
The Templo of San Andrés Apóstol, Mixquic

San Andrés Mixquic ( Mixquic or Mizquic for short ) is a small town in the Delegación Tláhuac of the Mexican capital district , on the south-eastern edge of Mexico City .

Mixquic became famous as the city of the dead and for the Mexican festival of the dead, Día de los Muertos . It is celebrated from November 1st to 2nd and is one of the most important festivals for Mexicans. In their faith, the souls of the deceased visit the living that night. This popular belief dates back to the Aztecs and outlived the conquistadors , missionaries and the Inquisition .

When Hernán Cortés besieged Tenochtitlán , the capital of the Aztecs, in 1521 , the city freely joined the Spanish conquerors and fought with them against the Aztecs. The city had previously been conquered by the Aztecs and paid tribute to Tenochtitlán year after year .

Web links

Commons : San Andrés Mixquic  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bernal Díaz del Castillo: History of the Conquest of Mexico, 1988, p. 398