San Giacomo dall'Orio

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San Giacomo dall'Orio
inner space
Lorenzo Lotto Sacra conversazione

San Giacomo dall'Orio , also San Giacomo del luprio , is a church in the Santa Croce sestiere in Venice. In the church of San Giacomo dall'Orio the tomb of one of the greatest painters in Italian art history, Giambattista Pittoni , who died in Venice on November 6th, 1767, is preserved.

The now almost completely detached church is located on Campo San Giacomo on the Rio of the same name. San Giacomo is the parish church of the Vicariate of San Polo-Santa Croce-Dorsoduro.

The origin of the name is not clear, possibly the laurel tree (= lauro ) gave its name, or the name is derived from a designation of the church as San Giacomo dal Rio (= on the canal) or del luprio (= drained marshland).


The origins of the church go back to the 9th century, making it one of the oldest churches in Venice. Numerous extensions, conversions and additions have merged stylistic elements in the architecture of the building from Byzantine architecture, Romanesque to Gothic to Renaissance and Baroque to form a unique overall picture. Based on the original Romanesque building, some parts of which are still visible in the transept, the church was rebuilt in 1225 together with the campanile. Some of the pillars in the church date from the sacking of Constantinople in 1204 during the Fourth Crusade . In the 14th century, when the church was given a three-aisled nave, the entrance was relocated; the old campanile is now located next to the former main portal of the church. The old basilica was probably integrated into today's transept. After 1500 the church received a monumental three-part presbytery with a dome over the sanctuary . The roof structure in the form of a keel-up ship dates from the 14th century.

Works of art

  • Madonna in glory with child and hll. Laurentius, Antonius, Jakobus, Josef and Sebastian by Giambattista Pittoni
  • Madonna in Glory by Francesco Bassano in the New Sacristy
  • St John sermon by Francesco Bassano in the New Sacristy
  • Sacra conversazione , 1546, by Lorenzo Lotto , Pala of the high altar
  • Mystery of the Eucharist of Palma il Giovane Wall and ceiling paintings in the Old Sacristy
  • Life of St. Lawrence of Palma il Giovane in the north transept transept
  • The crucifix opposite the high altar is attributed to Paolo Veneziano
  • Saints Lawrence, Jerome and Prosper of Veronese , altarpiece in the north transept
  • Allegory of Faith and Doctors of the Church on the ceiling of the New Sacristy, by Veronese


  • Reclam's art guide Italy. Vol. 2. Northern Italy East. Stuttgart 1965. pp. 875-877.

Coordinates: 45 ° 26 '24.5 "  N , 12 ° 19' 38.8"  E

Web links

Commons : San Giacomo dall'Orio  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Eliot Wooldridge Rowlands (1996). The collections of The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art: Italian paintings, 1300–1800 . Kansas City, MO: Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art