San Giuseppe dei Vecchi

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Chiesa di San Giuseppe dei Vecchi

Esterno vecchi.jpg

Patronage : Joseph and the Madonna of Lourdes

Coordinates: 40 ° 30 ′ 38.4 "  N , 14 ° 8 ′ 41.3"  E

Interior with apse

San Giuseppe dei Vecchi is a church in the historic center of Naples , on via Salvatore Tommasi No. 20. It is consecrated to St. Joseph and now also to the Madonna of Lourdes : there is a Lourdes grotto inside .

The church is a UNESCO World Heritage Site .


The church was founded in 1614 by Andrea Cavallo, a priest of the Caracciolini Order ; a palace of the Carafa family was previously located on the site .

The congregation of the small church grew rapidly, and so in 1634 the monks entrusted Cosimo Fanzago with the enlargement and beautification of their church. Work progressed slowly for various reasons, including the plague epidemic of 1656. The church was consecrated in 1665, although it was not yet finished and initially only had a temporary roof. It was completed between 1705 and 1712 by the architect Onofrio Parascandalo , who stuck to the plans of Fanzago and drew in the dome and vault. After the earthquake of 1732, Nicola Tagliacozzi Canale took over the necessary repairs, restoration and consolidation of the structure.

The Padri Caracciolini were chased away in 1806 and the building was converted into a teaching institution, the so-called Conservatorio del Monte della Dottrina Cristiana .


The facade is very plain and simple, only adornment is the portal of Piperno that in 1727 after a design by Francesco Solimena was created.

The interior is shaped like a Greek cross , but with a slightly elongated longitudinal axis. The color harmony of the entire room is dominated by strong golden yellow, set off with white, gray and cream. The walls are rhythmized by pilaster strips made of light gray granite with inner fields of yellow marble ; the white capitals correspond to the composite order . There are four side chapels in the corners .

In the slightly rounded apse behind the main altar there is an arch that reveals a small chapel room with an altarpiece - in the manner of a sanctuary (similar to, for example, in Santa Maria del Carmine Maggiore , whose apse was also designed by Fanzago) . The painting shows the Holy Family and is by an unknown author in the 17th century. Also worth mentioning are two altarpieces by Nicola Maria Rossi and Antonio Sarnelli on the altars of the transept.


  • Vincenzo Regina: Le chiese di Napoli. Viaggio indimenticabile attraverso la storia artistica, architettonica, letteraria, civile e spirituale della Napoli sacra. Newton e Compton editore, Naples, 2004. (Italian)

See also

Web links

Commons : San Giuseppe dei Vecchi  - collection of images
  • Information about the Church of San Giuseppe dei Vecchi on the website: Napoligrafia , accessed November 8, 2018 (Italian)

Individual notes

  1. a b c d e f g h i History of San Giuseppe dei Vecchi on the Napoligrafia website , accessed on November 8, 2018