San Saturnino in San Zadornil

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overall view

The single-nave church of San Saturnino in the mountain village of San Zadornil, named after its namesake, in the north of the province of Burgos in Old Castile , essentially belongs to the Romanesque period .

At the transition between nave and choir, a massive tower is built on to the south, the two upper floors of which are provided with Romanesque biforias . The bells, however, hang in undecorated large arched openings. To the west of the tower is a small open vestibule ( galería porticada ). The masonry of the church consists partly of uncut rubble stone . However, the corners of the wall and tower are made of ashlar. Most of the windows and, in the interior, the capitals and arches are intricate stone carvings.

The main portal, protected by the vestibule, stands out from the rest of the exterior in terms of material and design. It is made of sandstone that had to be brought in from a great distance. It is particularly finely worked and it already belongs to the Gothic . The arcature consists of four pointed arches with pear rod profiles . Finely patterned arched friezes stretch around the outermost and between the two innermost of these arches.

Above the finely crafted entrance, the portal zone ends with an unadorned console frieze .

The nave is vaulted by a pointed barrel. Several frescoes have been preserved on the walls . The choir area consists of the crossing , an apse and two very short transept arms. The crossing is covered with a rustic dome on pendentives , which is not visible from the outside - the roof ridges cross over it. In the apse there is a gilded altarpiece .

supporting documents

  1. ^ San Zadornil - Iglesia San Saturnino

Web links

Commons : San Saturnino in San Zadornil  - collection of images

Coordinates: 42 ° 50 ′ 30 "  N , 3 ° 9 ′ 24.4"  W.