Sandro Magister

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Sandro Magister (born October 2, 1943 in Busto Arsizio ) is an Italian journalist ( L'Espresso ).


Magister specializes in religious news, particularly the Catholic Church and the Vatican.

A few days before its official publication on June 18, 2015, Sandro Magister was accused of breaking a news blackout by publishing parts of the encyclical Laudato si ' , and on June 16, his accreditation in the Vatican press room was revoked. Magister's response was that the document was an early draft, not under the blackout, and received from its editor, who made the decision to publish it. He just wrote an introduction.

Fonts (selection)

  • La politica vaticana e l'Italia (1943–1978) . Rome 1979, OCLC 435391035 .
  • Chiesa extra-parliamentary. Il trionfo del pulpito nell'età postdemocristiana . Naples 2001, ISBN 88-8325-066-4 .

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