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Doitsu Sanke

The Taishō Sanke / Taishō Sanshoku ( Japanese 大 正 三 色 ) is a Nishikigoi (錦鯉, short form = Koi ), a colored carp. The Sanke is one of the 16 most common Koi varieties, which also serve as the basis for all further breeds.

Taishō stands for the Japanese epoch, the so-called Taishō period ( 1912 - 1926 ), in which the Sanke first attracted social attention as a traditional koi breed. The first breeds existed between 1868 and 1912 in the Meiji period .

Sanshuko means three-colored translated. It has a white base color, red spots ( Hi , , "scarlet", also 火 written "fire") and black spots (sumi, "Indian ink"). It should have the same basic pattern as a Kōhaku . The black spots (sumi) should not be represented on the head and should stand out sharply from the other colors. The pectoral fins contain sumi stripes.

Further breakdown:

  • Aka Sanke ( 朱 三 色 , literally "red sanke") - continuous, extensive red from head to tail and black spots (sumi)
  • Budo Sanke - black colored scales over the red, additional black spots
  • Tancho Sanke - red spot on the head, on the rest of the body only black clouds
  • Maruten Sanke ( 丸 点 三 色 , "Rundpunkt-Sanke") - round red spot on the head and the sumi
  • Kuchibeni Sanke ( 口紅 三 色 , "lipstick sanke") - red lip stain and the sumi
  • Fuji Sanke - silver (metallic) head.
  • Doitsu Sanke ( 独 三 色 , "German Sanke") - leather-like skin without scales.


The Sanke is very popular in Europe, as the variety is considered a typical Koi. It is also recognized by laypeople as a Koi and therefore has a function as a status symbol.


Individual evidence

  1. Knowledge Initiative Koi: Koi Basics (PDF) Archived from the original on October 22, 2011. Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved October 22, 2011. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /