Sankenbach waterfalls

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Sankenbach waterfalls
Sankenbach Falls

Sankenbach Falls

Coordinates 48 ° 29 '7.16 "  N , 8 ° 19' 59.82"  E Coordinates: 48 ° 29 '7.16 "  N , 8 ° 19' 59.82"  E
Sankenbach waterfalls (Baden-Wuerttemberg)
Blue pog.svg
place Baiersbronn municipality , Freudenstadt district , Northern Black Forest , Baden-Württemberg , Germany
height 50 m
falling edge750  m
impact zone700  m
width 2 m
Number of fall levels 4th
Mean flow rate (MQ) 3 l / s
Falling watercourse Sankenbach
Estuarine waters SankenbachForbachMurg

The Sankenbach waterfalls are located southwest of Baiersbronn in the Black Forest . The Sankenbach falls in several stages more than 40 m over the Karwand of the Sankenbachkessel. The main case is formed by the Eck'schen horizon of the Lower Buntsandstein . Below the waterfall , on the floor of the Kars, lies the Sankenbachsee, which was once almost silted up but has been restored by damming .

Because of the catchment area of ​​only 0.65 square kilometers, hardly 3 l / s of water flow over the fall on an annual average. From a footbridge above the main step, however, the inflowing water in the small stilling basin of the first drop step above can be dammed up using a wooden slide; After opening the slide, the accumulated water then falls down for a while in an intensified gush. Below the main case, there are two lower case levels.

The Sankenbacher waterfalls and their surroundings are designated as 4.8 hectares of extensive natural monument .

See also

Web links

Commons : Sankenbach waterfalls  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Thomas Huth, Baldur Junker: Geotourist map of Baden-Württemberg - Black Forest and surroundings - explanations. Freiburg i. Br. 2004, ISBN 3-00-014219-3 , p. 245
  2. Profile of the extensive natural monument in the LUBW's list of protected areas