Sarah (Manga)

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title Sarah
Original title 沙 流 羅
transcription Sarura
country JapanJapan Japan
author Katsuhiro Otomo
publishing company Kodansha
magazine Young Magazine
First publication October 17, 1990 - 2004
expenditure 7th

Sarah ( Japanese 沙 流 羅 , Sarura ) is a manga series from 1990 to 2004 by the author Katsuhiro Otomo and the illustrator Takumi Nagayasu .


After the last world war, mankind fled on satellites. After a few years science revealed the plan to rotate the earth's axis by means of an atomic explosion in order to improve the planet's climate. This idea divides society into two camps, the E epoch , which want to detonate the bomb, and the ME Mother Earth , which do not want to damage the planet any more.

Because of the clashes and frequent attacks from the two camps, the population fled back to earth. Sarah is separated from her husband and three children in an attack during her family's relocation . Sarah is now looking for her children on the desert-covered earth. The story doesn't end after Volume 14.


The series appeared in the Japanese manga magazine Young Magazine from 1990 to 2004 . Its publisher Kodansha also brought out the manga in seven edited volumes. The publisher in Germany was Carlsen Comics , who published the series in 14 volumes.

In the French edition of Delcourt the series has the longer title Mother Sarah (German: "Mother Sarah"), in Spanish ( Norma Editorial ) and English ( Dark Horse Comics ) the title is La leyenda de Madre Sarah and The Legend of Mother Sarah (German: "The legend about mother Sarah") even more extensive. Translations into Portuguese and Italian have also appeared.

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