Hartogs' theorem (set theory)

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In set theory , Hartogs' theorem (after the German mathematician Fritz Hartogs , 1915) says that for every set A there is at least one well-ordered set B whose cardinality is not restricted by the cardinality of A.

It is remarkable that this statement already applies to the Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory ZF, i.e. it can be proven without using the axiom of choice . Hence, one can use this theorem when examining variants of the axiom of choice. The apparently complicated formulation ("Cardinality of B is not less than or equal to the cardinality of A ") is necessary here because, without an axiom of choice, one cannot show that any two sets are comparable .

Formal statement

be a set according to the Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory without the axiom of choice. Then there exists a cardinal number (also called Hartogs number of ) such that the set is well ordered and the following applies:

  • is the smallest well-ordered cardinal number that is not less than or equal to the cardinality of (that is, which cannot be mapped into the set injectively .)


In the system ZFC (that ZF + axiom of choice AC) is the set of Hartogs uninteresting because a stronger version than corollary of the well-ordering theorem and the theorem of Cantor follows: For each set X the cardinality is the power set of X is strictly greater than that of X .


  • Friedrich Hartogs: About the problem of well-being. Mathematische Annalen Vol. 76, BG Teubner, Leipzig 1915
  • Yannis P. Moschovakis: Notes on Set Theory. Springer Verlag, New York 2006, ISBN 0-387-28722-1

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