Student Express

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Schüler-Express was a youth magazine on ZDF .

The student-Express was developed by 1974 bis 1987 bi-weekly on Fridays afternoon broadcast. The target group of the television program were the 8 to 13 year old schoolchildren. Articles were prepared for the magazine that dealt with problematic topics such as first love, parental divorce or drug use. There were also socially and culturally interesting topics for this target group. For the first time, music video clips were broadcast in this program on German television. From 1979 onwards , a student jury awarded the Bookworms Prize for young people every year . This price was still there when the magazine was discontinued in 1987. The last award ceremony took place in 1992 .

In 1985 Christiane Hiemsch received honorable recognition from the Adolf Grimme Prize for her report on censorship .