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Schüttoff model F (350 cm³) from 1926
Schüttoff (350 cm³) from 1924

The Schüttoff A.-G. was a major manufacturer of machine tools , lathes , milling machines and motorcycles .

Arthur Schüttoff and his partner Bässler founded the company "Schüttoff & Bässler" in 1908 in Chemnitz , Rößlerstrasse 30. After the two founders separated in 1918, the company was renamed “Schüttoff A.-G.”.

From 1923, the company began producing high quality motorcycles. To increase sales, they got into motorsport. In 1925 and 1926 Arthur Lohse won the German motorcycle road championship in the class up to 350 cm³ on a Schüttoff.

Due to the solid construction, the motorcycles were particularly suitable for sidecars . This led to a close cooperation with Stoye-Fahrzeugbau-Leipzig , whose co-owner Hans Mittenzwei took part in races with Schüttoff motorcycles and Stoye sidecars.

In 1928, Zschopauer Motorenwerke JS Rasmussen took over the majority of shares in Schüttoff, whose motorcycles were equipped with DKW engines from Zschopau from 1929 onwards. In the time of global economic crisis Schüttoff fell by wrong model policy into financial difficulties and went bankrupt 1930th The former Schüttoff plant became a supplier for DKW and in 1932 it became a branch of Auto Union . During an air raid on Chemnitz on March 5, 1945 during the Second World War , the plant in Rößlerstrasse was so badly hit that it was no longer rebuilt.

See also


  • Siegfried Rauch; Frank Rönicke: Men and motorcycles - a century of German motorcycle development. Stuttgart: Motorbuch-Verlag 2008, ISBN 978-3-613-02947-7 , pp. 196-205

Web links

Commons : Schüttoff  - collection of images, videos and audio files