Marine equipment

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Removable and permanently installed components of ships or other watercraft are referred to as ship equipment . Essentially, the term includes all types of deck equipment, such as masts, ventilators, loading gear , mooring and mooring devices, anchor and oar gear , hatch covers , rescue devices , windows, doors, portholes , ladders, railings and many other facilities. In part, the machinery is also counted as ship equipment. (→  Ship # construction ). Marine equipment of special types of ship is the fishing equipment on fishing vessels or the towing gear on tugs .

In addition to the ship's equipment, there is a ship structurally from the two large groups ship elements and ship equipment .


  • Oswald Flamm : University teaching in shipbuilding areas. In: The entire German shipbuilding industry 1908 (= Historische Schiffahrt. Vol. 88). Salzwasser-Verlag, Bremen 2009, ISBN 978-3-86195-090-5 (reprint from: Marfels, Berlin 1908).
  • Collective of authors: Expertise for ship fitters . Volk und Wissen publishing house, Berlin 1958.
  • Collective of authors: Expertise for steel shipbuilders . Volk und Wissen publishing house, Berlin 1955.
  • Author collective: Stahlschiffbau . 6th edition. transpress Verlag, Berlin 1989, ISBN 3-341-00410-6 .