Schinia nundina

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Schinia nundina
- 11177-Goldenrod Flower Moth - Schinia nundina (20661494315) .jpg

Schinia nundina

Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Superfamily : Noctuoidea
Family : Owl butterfly (Noctuidae)
Subfamily : Heliothinae
Genre : Schinia
Type : Schinia nundina
Scientific name
Schinia nundina
( Drury , 1773)
Schinia nundina Ponometia candefacta
Schinia nundina
Ponometia candefacta

Schinia nundina is a butterfly found in North America( moth ) fromthe owl butterfly family (Noctuidae).



The moths reach a wingspan of around 26 millimeters. There is no difference in color between the sexes. The basic color of the upper side of the forewing is creamy white. The basal and submarginal regions are more or less yellowish to yellowish brown in color. The kidney flaw stands out black-brown and is very large, while the ring flaw is reduced to a small black point. The upper side of the hind wing is whitish, gray-brown in the outer edge area and shows a dark, crescent-shaped discal spot .


Adult caterpillars are yellow to yellowish green in color. The back line is dark green and interrupted. There are dark brown oblique spots on each body segment that run towards the end of the body.

Similar species

With a wingspan of 18 to 22 millimeters, the moths of Ponometia candefacta are significantly smaller than those of Schinia nundina and also differ in the extensive dark brown color on the inner edge and in the discal region of the forewing upper side .

Distribution and occurrence

Schinia nundina occurs in southeastern Canada and in the east and central United States , in the south to Florida . The species mainly lives in open areas where the host plant grows.

Way of life

The moths are nocturnal. They fly in one generation between July and October. Their main flight time includes the months of August and September. At night they visit artificial light sources . The caterpillars live on asters - ( aster ) and goldenrod species ( Solidago ).

Individual evidence

  1. a b Information from Iowa State University's BugGuide, [1]
  2. Distribution and flight time, [2]
  3. Food plants, [3]


  • Seabrooke Leckie & David Beadle: Peterson Field Guide to Moths of Southeastern North America , Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Boston, New York, 2018, ISBN 978-0-544-25211-0

Web links

Commons : Schinia nundina  - collection of images, videos and audio files