Sleep medicine

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The sleep medicine is mainly concerned with the sleep disorder , its causes and effects on the body as well as the diagnosis ( sleep laboratory ) and treatment of sleep or sleep-wake disorders.

The German-speaking professional societies are:


  • "European Sleep Research Society" (ESRS)
  • "Sleep Research Society" (SRS)
  • "World Federation of Sleep Research Societies" (WFSRS)
  • American Thoracic Society with over 18,000 members worldwide.

A distinction is made between 88 clinical pictures of sleep disorders . The diagnosis is usually made by connecting the patient to polysomnography machines, usually for two nights . This measures body signals such as brain waves , heart rate , breathing movements in the chest and stomach, muscle tension , eye movement , air flow in the mouth and nose, body position and body temperature , snoring noises or oxygen saturation in the blood .

The research in this area is sleep research , the area is called somnology .

Web links

  1. DGSM website
  2. the ÖGSS site
  3. SGSSC website
  4. ESRS
  5. SRS
  6. WFSRS