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Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Chicken birds (Galliformes)
Family : Pheasants (Phasianidae)
Genre : Frankoline ( Francolinus )
Type : Schlegelfrankolin
Scientific name
Francolinus schlegelii
Heuglin , 1863

The Schlegelfrankolin ( Francolinus schlegelii ) is a kind of the genus of the Frankoline from the family of the pheasant-like (Phasianidae).


The roosters have a gray-brown, red-brown speckled parting that changes to ocher yellow in the neck. The ear covers are gray-brown. The plumage above the eyes, neck and sides of the head is yellow-ocher. The top is red-brown with weak, dark banding, the pen shafts are white. The underside is white with black stripes and light maroon spots on the flanks. The tail is red-brown with faint black stripes. The chin and throat are light yellow. The beak is black with a yellow base. The legs are yellow and the cocks have spurs on their legs. The hens are very similar to the roosters, albeit a little smaller. The underside is banded less regularly, on the brown back fewer white feather shafts can be seen.


The Schlegel Frankolin occurs from Cameroon eastwards to Sudan . However, it is not frequent and occurs only rarely and locally in the entire distribution area. It lives, among other things, in northern Guinea - wet savannah and is apparently linked to the presence of the Ka tree (Isoberlinia doka) and tall bearded grass (Andropogon).

Way of life

The Schlegelfrankolin is very shy ( refuge from culture ). Its Revierruf (ter-ink, terrrra) can only be distinguished from that of the closely related Coquifrankolin by its lower pitch and the much faster tone sequence. A clutch consists of 2–5 cream-colored eggs . Outside the breeding season , it can be found in families and mixed groups together with other francolin species.


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