Marienlyst Castle

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Marienlyst Castle

Marienlyst Castle is located on the northern outskirts of Helsingør , on the island of Zealand in Denmark .

Marienlyst was built in 1588 as a royal pleasure palace within sight of Kronborg Castle , but was never used for this purpose. Originally a simple pavilion, it was rebuilt and expanded in 1760 by Nicolas-Henri Jardin in a classicist style. Christian VII then gave it to Juliane von Braunschweig , his father's second wife and widow. After 1858 it was used as a bathing hotel.

Today, Marienlyst houses a museum (wall paintings, 18th century furniture, sculptures) and an art gallery. The surrounding park, only separated from Öresund by a road , is accessible all day.

See also

List of castles, chateaus and fortresses in Denmark

Web links

Commons : Marienlyst Castle  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 56 ° 2 ′ 31.3 "  N , 12 ° 36 ′ 6.9"  E