Schmidt syndrome

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Classification according to ICD-10
E31.0 Autoimmune polyglandular insufficiency
Schmidt syndrome
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)

In the Schmidt's syndrome , also polyendokrines autoimmune syndrome type II mentioned, it is an autoimmune disease with the combined impairment of several endocrine glands of the body.


Originally described by the German pathologist Martin Benno Schmidt (1863-1949) as the combination of Hashimoto's thyroiditis (a chronic inflammation of the thyroid gland ) and Addison's disease (an underactive adrenal cortex ), today additional autoimmune diseases are also included in the Schmidt- Syndromes included, which may or may not be present at the same time. These include type 1 diabetes mellitus , alopecia (hair loss), vitiligo ( depigmentation ), pernicious anemia (a form of anemia ), myasthenia gravis, and others.


As with many autoimmune diseases, the exact causes of Schmidt syndrome are not known. If the above-mentioned diseases occur at the same time, they are also grouped together as a syndrome , since in this case they could have a common cause. A polygenic inheritance with the presence of the HLA antigen variants HLA-DR3 and HLA-DR4 is discussed.


The Schmidt syndrome affects more frequently women and typically occurs only in adulthood (as opposed to the autosomal - dominant and autosomal recessive (without HLA association) inherited polyendokrinen autoimmune syndrome type I , which begins in childhood).


The Schmidt syndrome is treated according to the individual diseases (see there) - predominantly in the form of a substitution (replacement) of the inadequately produced hormones .

further reading

  • D. Heuss et al .: Myopathological findings in interstitial myositis in type II polyendocrine autoimmune syndrome (Schmidt's syndrome). In: Neurol Res 17, 1995, pp. 233-237. PMID 7643982
  • N. Solomon et al .: Schmidt's syndrome (thyroid and adrenal insufficiency) and coexistent diabetes mellitus. In: Diabetes 14, 1965, pp. 300-304. PMID 14280372
  • CC Carpenter et al .: Schmidt's syndrome (thyroid and adrenal insufficiency): a review of the literature and a report of fifteen new cases including ten instances of coexistent diabetes mellitus. In: Medicine 43, 1964, pp. 153-180. PMID 14132718

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