Snail plan

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The Snail Plan was an alleged Saddam Hussein defense plan for Baghdad .

Affair about the possible involvement of the BND in the Iraq war

According to the New York Times , the snail plan is said to have been handed over to the Americans by an employee of the Federal Intelligence Service (BND).

The deployment of BND employees in the Iraq war was investigated in the secret parliamentary control body (PKG). After completion of the investigation, the secret investigation report was published in an "open version" shortened to include confidential and data protection-relevant information (around two thirds of the text in total).

The Linkspartei.PDS and later the Greens demanded a committee of inquiry , the FDP postponed the decision on March 7, 2006. On February 28, the New York Times published an article in which it was alleged, citing internal US military documents , BND agents had forwarded a draft of a defense plan - the very snail plan for Baghdad that they had in their possession - to the US military intelligence service in March 2003. The federal government and the BND denied the same day, calling the NY Times' account "false"; they have no knowledge of such processes. The US Army also denied it. Thereupon, however , the NY Times reiterated its account and quoted further details from the secret military report, including verbatim:

“The US got the sketch on February 3rd. The film was made available to the German liaison officer in Qatar in February, who handed it over to DIA [...] DIA then forwarded it to CENTCOM J2. "

“The Germans had two agents in Baghdad before the war began. The sketch was given to the Germans from one of their sources in Baghdad (identity of the German source unknown). When the bombs began to fall, the agents stopped their observation and went to the French embassy. "

The authenticity of the plan and the handover are controversial. The Tagesspiegel -Journalistin Tissy Bruns described the plan as a "treasure map of little boy" and moved its authenticity in doubt. Opponents of the red-green federal government saw the incident as proof of Germany's de facto support for the war.

Individual evidence

  1. Michael R. Gordon: German Intelligence Gave US Saddams Defense Plan, Report Says. In: Spiegel Online. February 27, 2006, accessed September 8, 2008 .