Swiss correspondence chess association

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The Swiss Correspondence Chess Federation (SFSV) ( fr. : Association Suisse des Echecs par Correspondance (ASEC) ; it. : Associazione Svizzera Scacci per Corrispondenza ) is an association within the meaning of Article 60ff.. ZGB with seat at the place of residence of the respective president.

It was founded on November 2, 1985 in Bern. It organizes correspondence chess in Switzerland and organizes international distance tournaments. The president is Ulrich Baumgartner (Flawil). The first board of directors included Horst Baer, ​​Sergio Cavadini, Martin Christoffel , JACornu, Ernst Eichhorn and Monika Streuli.

The association publishes a magazine four times a year. This was initially called Bulletin , in 1995 it was renamed Correspondence Chess Echo . In 2001 the organ of the association was discontinued as a print medium and the content was put online.

Before 1985 there was a correspondence chess commission within the Swiss Chess Federation, which organized distance tournaments. The Swiss Workers' Chess Federation ( SASB) also organized remote tournaments before 1985. The first Swiss long-distance tournament began on December 1, 1901.

Important personalities

Georg Walker

The founding president Walker (born May 28, 1934) began active correspondence chess in 1974. In 1986 he qualified for the master class. He came second at the 11th Swiss Correspondence Chess Championship, in 2004 he finished 6th at the 18th FSM. In 1996 the World Correspondence Chess Federation ( ICCF) named him International Master , and in 1999 he was named Merited International Correspondence Chess Master (SIM) . His ICCF rating is 2330 (April 2005). Walker is married to Christine. Walker has been Honorary President of the Swiss Correspondence Chess Association SFSV since 2009. Ueli Baumgartner succeeded him as President.

Horst Baer

Horst Baer (born January 31, 1921, † October 22, 2008) had been in contact with the ICCF since 1973. In 1985 he was one of the founders of the Swiss Correspondence Chess Association . He served as tournament director until May 1990, after which he was replaced by Toni Preziuso. He was editor and publisher of the Swiss correspondence chess magazine Bulletin , which he published for the first time in November 1985. Since 1962 he played actively correspondence chess. His rating was 2291 (October 2001).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Fernschach 1986/1 page 16
  2. Fernschach 1999/11, pp. 577-579
  3. Horst Baer died (accessed on January 22, 2018)


  • Correspondence chess Echo No. 40 - 4/1995