Scipione Cerreto

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Scipione Cerreto

Scipione Cerreto (* around 1551 in Naples ; † around 1633 there ) was a composer , lutenist and music theorist.


Scipione Cerreto lived his life in Naples. He was a composer and musician, since only a few of his compositions have survived, he is best known today as a theoretician. He was not a pioneer of his time (he rejects the new 12-mode system proposed by Heinrich Glarean in 1547 and affirms the validity of the century-old eight-mode system), but his writings are important because they shed light on the many aspects of the bring musical practice in the early 17th century.


Cerreto followed a conservative path, setting out the guidelines of strict, osservato counterpoint . He wrote two treatises, Dell'arbore musicale (Naples, 1608) and the Della prattica musica vocale et strumentale (Naples, 1601, repr. 1611) and two manuscript treatises who teach counterpoint: Dialoghi armonici pel contrapunto e per la compositione (1626) and Dialogo armonico ... di tutte le regole del contrappunto et anco della compositione de più voci, de 'canoni, delle proportioni, et d'altri (1631 ).

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See also: List of historical-music-theoretical literature