Sculptures de Laongo

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The Sculptures de Laongo are a sculpture park in the West African state of Burkina Faso .

In 1989, at the first symposium of Burkinabe and international sculptors initiated by the Burkinabe sculptor Siriki Ky , granite sculptures were created in the open landscape between Ziniaré and Boudtenga , near the village of Laongo ( Oubritenga province ) and today's opera village of Africa . Further symposia followed every two years, during which the park was expanded. If the sculptures were initially in the great outdoors, a few years ago the site was surrounded by a wall and can now be viewed for a fee. Sculptures come from, among others, Jean-Luc Bambara , Guy Compaoré and Claude Kabré .

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Coordinates: 12 ° 32 ′ 12 ″  N , 1 ° 17 ′ 4 ″  W.