Jörg Drieselmann

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Jörg Drieselmann (born October 10, 1955 in Erfurt ) is a former GDR civil rights activist and deals with coming to terms with the SED dictatorship .


As an 18-year-old apprentice, Drieselmann wanted to draw attention to those killed on the inner-German border in Erfurt on August 13, 1974 . He wrote on a poster the number of victims mentioned in the RIAS the previous evening . As a result of this action, he was arrested and sentenced as a "ringleader of an anti-state group" to a prison term of four years and three months.

After being ransomed by the Federal Republic of Germany in 1976, he came to West Berlin, where he completed his Abitur and studied at the Free University . At the same time he supported other detainees who had been bought out. During this time he was persecuted by the Ministry for State Security of the GDR (MfS). From 1985 to 1990 he was a consultant at the All-German Institute . In addition, from 1988 to 1992 he was the director of studies at the Haus der Zukunft association, of which he has been a board member since 1996.

After reunification in 1990, he began with guided tours through the Normannenstrasse research and memorial site set up in the former MfS headquarters . He has been managing director there since 1992.

Drieselmann was a member of the Advisory Board on Social Reassessment, which existed until 2010, of the Federal Foundation to Cope with the SED Dictatorship , the Scientific Advisory Board of the Berlin-Hohenschönhausen Memorial Foundation and the advisory group at the GDR Museum Berlin .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.stiftung-aufteilung.de/fachbeiraete-bis-2010-1878.html