Sebastian Bohm

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Sebastian Böhm (born October 19, 1972 in Berlin-Moabit ) is a German painter and object artist .

life and work

Böhm started drawing and painting at an early age. In 1988 he had his first participation in a group exhibition at the Kulturwerkstatt Trier. After high school and community service he became a member of the Paulusplatz studio community in Trier, which also included the Ramboux Prize winner Werner Müller .

Sebastian Böhm had his first solo exhibition in 1997 in the Galerie Junge Kunst of the Kunstverein Trier . He increasingly dealt with general questions of perception and dealt with the theories of Wilhelm Ostwald . In particular, the interactions between space, object and viewer are the subject of his artistic work.

One result of this discussion is the installation Klafter in the waterfall of the Leukbach in Saarburg in 2001, which he realized together with Werner Müller. Since that time, Böhm has been experimenting with ways of breaking through the two-dimensionality of painting with the means of classical painting. This is how his current paintings are created on picture carriers in which the painting background is coarse nettle at a distance of 10 to 20 cm from the back wall, so that a light, floating impression is created by the refraction of light and indirect background light.

Exhibitions (selection)

  • 1997: Solo exhibition painting and sculpture, Kunstverein Trier Junge Kunst, Galerie Junge Kunst, Trier.
  • 1998: Solo exhibition painting and sculpture, Altes Amt culture group, Schönecken.
  • 1998: Solo exhibition (with Branko Rakovic, Belgrade) objects, Kunstverein Trier Junge Kunst, Galerie Junge Kunst, Trier.
  • 2000: Solo exhibition (with Britta Deutsch), wood sculpture and object, cloth factory culture and communication center, Trier.
  • 2000: Solo exhibition painting and object, municipal gallery in the Amüseum am Wasserfall, Saarburg.
  • 2001: Installation Klafter (with Werner Müller), Saarburg.
  • 2005: Solo exhibition Walk with the painter, Kunstverein Trier Junge Kunst, Galerie Junge Kunst, Trier.
  • 2006: Solo exhibition (with Andreas Hildebrandt), ART ACADEMY Galerie für Bildende Kunst GmbH, Dresden.
  • art.fair 2006 International fair for contemporary art, ART ACADEMY Gallery for Fine Art GmbH, Dresden, EXPO XXI, Cologne.
  • 2007: Installation Grenzwippe (with Werner Müller), Stolzembourg (L).
  • 2008: Solo exhibition Memory, Städtische Galerie Kloster Karthaus, Konz.
  • 2011: Solo exhibition Kopfspeicher24, nachtspeicher23 eV, Hamburg.
  • 2012: Installation Klafter II (with Werner Müller), Bad Laasphe.
  • 2014: Solo exhibition NEURO, Kunstverein Trier Junge Kunst, Galerie Junge Kunst, Trier.

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