Sails (sculpture Bremen)

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The sculpture Segel in Bremen - Mitte , Falkenstrasse 45 near the former Bundeswehr high-rise, is included in the list of monuments and statues of the city of Bremen .

The stainless steel sculpture on a concrete base was made by the Stuttgart artist Hans Dieter Bohnet . It was set up in 1982 after the former seat of the District Armed Forces Replacement Office was established.
The artist depicts three sails in maritime Bremen.

From Bohnet comes u. a. the steel sculpture Integration (1976) in front of the "Langen Eugen" on the banks of the Rhine in Bonn and several art stations for the International Horticultural Exhibition 1993 (IGA 93) in Stuttgart.

Individual evidence

  1. k: art in public space bremen

Coordinates: 53 ° 5 ′ 6.3 "  N , 8 ° 48 ′ 9.7"  E