String set

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String set

The chord set is a set from elementary geometry and describes a relationship between the lines that are formed by two intersecting circular chords .

More precisely it says:

If two chords intersect at one point in a circle , the product of the sections formed thereby on one chord is equal to the product of the sections on the other chord.

Formulation of the sentence

Consider a circle with two chords that intersect at one point . The points of intersection of the circle with one chord are marked with and , those with the other chord with and . Then:

The statement can also be formulated as a ratio equation:


The reverse of the proposition also applies: If the following applies to the diagonals of a square with the diagonal intersection:

then this square has a circumference , that is, it is a chordal square .

Relation to the rate of altitude

String set as height set
| CD || DE | = | AD || DB | <=> h 2 = pq

The chord theorem can also be understood as a generalization of Euclid's theorem of heights . If one chooses the two tendons so that one of them corresponds to the diameter and the other is perpendicular to it, their endpoints with the endpoints of the diameter form a right triangle according to Thales's theorem and the statement of the chordal set corresponds in this configuration to of Euclid's theorem of heights.


The set results directly from similar triangles occurring in the configuration . The following applies to the triangles ASD and BSC :

So the two triangles are similar and it follows:

See also


  • Max Koecher , Aloys Krieg : level geometry. 2nd revised and expanded edition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin a. a. 2000, ISBN 3-540-67643-0 ( Springer textbook ), p. 148
  • Hans Schupp: Elementary Geometry. Schöningh, Paderborn 1977, ISBN 3-506-99189-2 , p. 149 ( Uni-Taschenbücher 669).
  • Schülerduden - Mathematics I . Bibliographisches Institut & FA Brockhaus, 8th edition, Mannheim 2008, ISBN 978-3-411-04208-1 , pp. 415-417

Web links

Wikibooks: Proof of the Chord Set  - Learning and Teaching Materials