Look, he's alone in the garden

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Look, he's alone in the garden is a passion song by Pastor Friedrich Walz from 1971.

The song can be found in the root of the Evangelical Hymn book in the Passion section under number 95 and in the Mennonite hymn book , also in the Passion section, under number 286.


The song tells the Passion story in succinct language according to the Gospel of Matthew .

The narration in the song is focused on the person Jesus . Much of the story of Matthew has been left out; z. B. Judas Iscariot , the disciple with the sword, denial of Peter , the cockcrow, the wife of Pilate, the "blood curse" (Mt 27.25) and the Barabbas scene.

Each of the four stanzas consists of two parts: a narrative part and a meditative prayer part.

In the narrative part, the listener and singer are asked to deal with the story of Jesus' passion (see, ...). In the prayer part, the prayer relates these situations to his own life and asks for help.

1st stanza: Jesus in Gethsemane ( Matthew 26 : 36-46  Lut )

Jesus experiences fear, fear and being alone in the garden.
In the prayer part, the nearness of Jesus Christ is prayed for.

Verse 2: The Capture ( Matthew 26 : 47-56  Lut )

Jesus is found, seized, tied up and taken away without resistance.
The prayer part prays for deliverance through Jesus Christ.

3. verse: Before the Sanhedrin ( Matthew 26.57 to 68  KJV )

Jesus is sued, beaten, spat upon and slandered.
In the prayer part, intercession through Jesus Christ is prayed for.

4th stanza: Before Pilate ( Matthew 27.15–30  Lut )

Jesus is mocked, mocked and beaten with a crown of thorns . He is silent about everything.
In the prayer part, we pray for mercy through Jesus Christ.


Each stanza consists of two melody parts. The melody of the narrative part was composed in 1986 by church musician Götz Wiese ; the melody of the prayer-like second part of each stanza comes from the Geneva Psalter of 1543 by Guillaume Franc , a collaborator of Jean Calvin . The song can also be sung alternately between two groups, the prayer part can also be sung while standing.

Individual evidence

  1. Additions to lieder in the Protestant hymn book