Reutlingen section of the German Alpine Club

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Reutlingen section of the German Alpine Club (DAV) e. V.
(DAV Reutlingen)
Logo of the German Alpine Club
Chair: Jochen Ammann (1st chairman),
Berthold Negwer (2nd chairman),
Julian Johannsen (treasurer)
Establishment date: December 19, 1905
Number of members: 11,214 (as of December 31, 2019)
Seat : Reutlingen , Baden-Wuerttemberg

The Reutlingen section of the German Alpine Club (DAV) e. V. ( DAV Reutlingen for short ) is a section of the German Alpine Club in Reutlingen . It was founded on December 19, 1905. The DAV Reutlingen is one of the older and with 11,214 members (as of December 31, 2019) in 20th place one of the largest sections of the German Alpine Club and thus also one of the largest sports clubs in Germany .

Section Chair

A chronological overview of all presidents of the section since it was founded.

Term of office president
1905-1933 Emil Roth
1933-1945 Gustav Gross jr.
1945-1949 -
1949-1950 Gerd Froeb
1950-1968 Herbert Anner
1969-1983 Walter Schöllkopf
1983-2001 Bert Wenzler
2001-20 ?? Helmut Kober
Current Jochen Ammann

Huts of the section


Former hut

Climbing facilities

  • DAV climbing center in Reutlingen
  • Climbing and bouldering center Reutlingen

Partner sections

  • SAC - Aarau section
  • Stroud Rambling Club
  • The Verwall Round: 9 sections have come together in the Verwall Round initiative.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Section publications, Reutlingen section (PDF file) p. 3
  2. ^ A b Section Reutlingen , German Alpine Association, ; Section website
  3. Festschrift Reutlingen section (PDF file)
  4. Climbing Center Reutlingen
  5. climbing and bouldering center Reutlingen
  6. SAC section Aarau
  7. Stroud Rambling Club
  8. Verwallrunde
  9. Höhenwege