Section for type buildings at Stroikom

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The section for type buildings at Stroikom (Committee for Building) of the RSFSR was a state organization in the Soviet Union under the direction of Moissei Ginsburg . The section existed from 1928 and, in addition to Ginsburg, consisted of the architects Michail Barschtsch , Wjacheslav Vladimirov, Alexander Pasternak and Grigori Sum-Schik.

The group set itself the goal of designing type apartments that could be built in large quantities. It was primarily about the rationalization of the apartment. The section belongs to constructivism . The designed type apartments were implemented in several buildings, including the Narkomfin Commune House in Moscow, which was built in 1928-30 .


The type apartments designed by the group go back in part to the 1926 OSA collegial competition for type apartments. Architects were able to contribute their designs for the new type of residential building, the communal building . Moissei Ginsburg, Iwan Sobolew, Andrej Ol, Nina Worontynzewa, Raissa Polyak, Wjacheslav Vladimirov, Gregori Wegman, Alexander Pasternak and other architects took part in the competition.

On the basis of the submitted drafts, work was continued on the rationalization of the apartments in the section for type buildings that existed from 1928. The section worked under the direction of Moissei Ginsburg. Elements of the various designs were adopted and different types of apartments were created from them. The apartment types, the suitability of which was carefully calculated and analyzed, were designated as types A, B, C, D, E and F. Type F was considered the optimal apartment. As type 2F, this apartment was also used doubled in size. However, it was not a question of a complete implementation of the Commune House, because the apartments were not completely socialized, ie families lived together and there were also toilets and kitchens in the rooms. These types of apartments were called “transition types”.

The type F was used for various residential buildings built in the Soviet Union. Often these built buildings had an experimental character and varied the designs, as well as different building materials. The most famous of these buildings is the Narkomfin Commune House in Moscow, designed by Moissei Ginsburg with Ignati Milinis and built in 1928–30 .

Structural use of the type apartments

The apartment types of the section were published for 1929 in the book "Type projects and constructions for housing in 1930".

Narkomfin-Kommunehaus (1928-30)

The Narkomfin Commune House on Novinsky Boulevard in Moscow , designed by the architects Moissei Ginsburg with Ignati Milinis and the engineer S. Prokhorov and built in 1928–30, used apartment types B and F. Hinnerk Scheper was responsible for the color scheme . It was the first building to use the type apartments of the section and is considered a key building of modernity . The Narkomfin also used an apartment type K, which is similar to type D. It was probably designed by Ginsburg and Milinis alone and cannot be attributed to the section. The building owner was the functionary and architect Nikolai Milyutin. It consists of a residential wing and a community building. A second planned residential building on the property was not implemented, nor was a kindergarten.

House for the cotton mill workers (1928)

Also by Moissei Ginsburg, but designed together with Sergei Lissagor in 1928, the house for the workers of the cotton mill in Moscow-Rostokino also uses the type apartments of the section. It consists of three structures (one of which was demolished with type F apartments). A residential wing with type F apartments, another residential wing with two-room apartments of none of the types, and a communal wing with a meeting room, canteen, kitchen and laundry.

House on Gogol Boulevard (1929–1932)

Another building that used the type apartments is the residential building designed in 1929 and completed in 1932 on Gogol Boulevard in Moscow. It was designed by the architects Mikhail Barschtsch , Vjacheslav Vladimirov, Ignati Milinis, Alexander Pasternak and the architect Lyubow Slawina, as well as the engineer S. Orlowski. It consisted of two residential wings and a supply building.

Uraloblsovet building (1930–33)

The Uraloblsovet building in Sverdlovsk (today Yekaterinburg), designed by Ginsburg with Alexander Pasternak and the engineer S. Prokhorov, also uses type apartments. It consists of four buildings grouped around an inner courtyard and a fifth apart.

Residence in Moscow (1930s)

Another realized variant is a residential building in Moscow by Vyacheslav Wladimirow and Julian Gerstein. It had a residential wing with 14 apartments of type 2 F and a wing with apartments without a kitchen with a communal kitchen.

House in Saratov (1930s)

Another building exists in Saratov . Architects were Sergei Lissagor and Evgeny Popov. The building consists of a residential wing with type F and type 2F apartments and a communal wing with the common rooms.


  • Selim O. Chan-Magamedow: Pioneers of Soviet Architecture . VEB Verlag der Kunst, Dresden 1983, p. 389-390 .
  • Johannes Cramer, Anke Zalivako: The Narkomfin-Kommunehaus in Moscow 1928-2012 . Michael Imhof Verlag, Petersberg 2013, ISBN 978-3-86568-866-8 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m Selim O. Chan-Magamedow: Pioneers of Soviet architecture . VEB Verlag der Kunst, Dresden 1983, p. 389-390 .
  2. ^ A b c d Johannes Cramer, Anke Zalivako: Das Narkomfin-Kommunehaus in Moscow 1928–2012 . Michael Imhof Verlag, Petersberg 2013, ISBN 978-3-86568-866-8 , p. 6th ff .