Adolph Donath

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Hermann Struck : Adolph Donath (around 1923)

Adolph Donath (born December 9, 1876 in Kremsier , Moravia , Austria-Hungary ; died December 27, 1937 in Prague ) was a Czechoslovak art critic.


Donath attended grammar school in Kremsier and in 1895 began studying law and philosophy at the University of Vienna, which he finished in 1899 without a degree. Donath published his first volume of poetry in 1898, which was followed by two more by 1918. He began to write journalistic for the Viennese daily newspaper Neue Freie Presse and also published in the magazine Die Gesellschaft . He also wrote for the Zionist newspaper Die Welt , but stayed away from political Zionism . In 1905 he moved to Berlin and married Marie Thomas in 1906. There he became a feature editor at BZ am Mittag . He became friends with the museum director Wilhelm von Bode , his circle of friends also included Leo Grünstein , Theodor Herzl and Marek Scherlag , as well as the painters Max Liebermann , Ephraim Moses Lilien , Hermann Struck , Erich Wolfsfeld and Lesser Ury , some of whom he wrote about their work published small treatises.

During the First World War , Donath was drafted into the Landsturm of the Austro-Hungarian Army in 1915 and stationed in Brno and Lublin , where he met Hermann Struck, Arnold Zweig and Sammy Gronemann . After the end of the war he received the Czechoslovak citizenship. Donath went back to Berlin and worked there as an art critic, from 1925 for the feature section of the Berliner Tageblatt . He published the magazine Der Kunstwanderer and the yearbook for art collectors .

After the handover of power to the National Socialists in 1933, Donath emigrated to Prague and tried to continue to publish as an art critic there.

Fonts (selection)

  • Days and nights. Poems . Introduction by Georg Brandes. Berlin: Rauchinger, 1898
  • Man and love. New poems . Berlin: Ernst Hofmann, 1902
  • Psychology of Art Collecting . Berlin: RC Schmidt & Co., 1911
  • List of etchings by EM Lilien . Vienna: Halm, 1919
  • (Ed.): Der Kunstwanderer: magazine for old and new art, for art market and collecting . Berlin. 1919 to 1932
  • (Ed.): The international art world . Prague. 1934 to 1937
  • (Ed.): Yearbook for art collectors 1921 to 1923
  • Erich Wolfsfeld . Berlin: Neue Kunsthandlag, 1920
  • Jewish songs . Poems. Vienna: R. Löwit, 1920
  • Herman Struck . Berlin: Publishing House for Jewish Art and Culture, Fritz Gurlitt, 1920
  • Lesser Ury: Its position in modern German painting . Berlin: M. Perl, 1921
  • Art collecting technique . Berlin: RC Schmidt & Co. 1925
  • How the art forgers work . Prague: Eduard Grégr, 1937


  • Werner Röder; Herbert A. Strauss (Ed.): International Biographical Dictionary of Central European Emigrés 1933–1945 . Volume 2.1. Munich: Saur, 1983 ISBN 3-598-10089-2 , p. 222
  • Donath, Adolph. In: Lexicon of German-Jewish Authors . Volume 5: Carmo – Donat. Edited by the Bibliographia Judaica archive. Saur, Munich 1997, ISBN 3-598-22685-3 , pp. 490-498.
  • Doris Bensimon: Adolph Donath: (1876-1937); a Jewish art wanderer in Vienna, Berlin and Prague . Translation from French by Caroline Tudyka. Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 2001 ISBN 978-3-593-36836-8
  • Doris Bensimon: Adolph Donath in the Berlin of his time. In: Renate Heuer (ed.): Hidden readings: new interpretations of Jewish-German texts from Heine to Rosenzweig; in memory of Norbert Altenhofer . Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 2003 ISBN 3-593-37377-7 pp. 141-150
  • Josef Svátek: Adolf Donath . Kroměříž: Muzeum Kroměřížska, 1990
  • Donath, Adolph. In: Encyclopaedia Judaica , Volume 6, 1971, Col. 165f.
  • Salomon Wininger : Great Jewish National Biography . Cernăuți, 1925-1936, Volume 2, pp. 66f.
  • Mark Gelber : Donath, Adolph. In: Andreas B. Kilcher (Ed.): Metzler Lexicon of German-Jewish Literature. Jewish authors in the German language from the Enlightenment to the present. 2nd, updated and expanded edition. Metzler, Stuttgart / Weimar 2012, ISBN 978-3-476-02457-2 , p. 122f.

Web links

Wikisource: Adolph Donath  - Sources and full texts