Selenicereus setaceus

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Selenicereus setaceus
Selenicereus setaceus (Saml-Dyck ex DC.) Werdermann.JPG

Selenicereus setaceus

Order : Clove-like (Caryophyllales)
Family : Cactus family (Cactaceae)
Subfamily : Cactoideae
Tribe : Hylocereeae
Genre : Selenicereus
Type : Selenicereus setaceus
Scientific name
Selenicereus setaceus
( Salm-Dyck ex DC. ) Werderm.

Selenicereus setaceus is a species of plant in the genus Selenicereus from the cactus family(Cactaceae).


Selenicereus setaceus grows epiphytically or lithophytically with long, overhanging, light green, mostly triangular (rarely square or pentagonal) shoots 2 to 3 centimeters in diameter, which are slightly flared at the edge. From the slightly raised areoles , 2 to 3 centimeters apart, arise 2 to 4 conical, reddish thorns , which later turn brown and are 1 to 2 millimeters long.

The 25 to 30 centimeters long flowers are white with a yellowish base and greenish on the outside. The conspicuously tuberous pericarpel is covered with felt wool and short thorns. The flower tube is covered with bare scales. The edible fruits are egg-shaped and have a few bristles. The initially green, heavily tuberous fruits turn red when ripe and are then almost undone.

Systematics, distribution and endangerment

Selenicereus setaceus is distributed in Brazil , Paraguay , Bolivia and Argentina at low altitudes of up to 725 meters. The first description as Cereus setaceus was published in 1828 by Augustin-Pyrame de Candolle . Erich Werdermann (1892–1959) placed the species in 1933 in the genus Selenicereus . Important synonyms are Mediocactus coccineus and Hylocereus setaceus .

Selenicereus setaceus is in the endangered Red List species the IUCN as " Least Concern (LC) ", d. H. not endangered, classified.



Individual evidence

  1. ^ Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis . Volume 3, 1828, p. 469.
  2. Brazil and its columnar cacti . 1933, p. 87.
  3. Hylocereus setaceus in the endangered Red List species the IUCN 2010 Posted by: Taylor, NP, 2002. Accessed April 17 of 2010.

Web links

Commons : Selenicereus setaceus  - Collection of images, videos and audio files