Sempronius Densus

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Sempronius Densus (* unknown; † January 15, 69 AD in Rome ) was a centurion of the Praetorian Guard . He distinguished himself by his courage in defending Emperor Galba against his murderer, but lost his life in the process.


Little is known about the life of the Sempronius Densus. Only the expiration of the last day of his life and the circumstances of his death are preserved in the ancient sources:

On January 15, 69 AD, Marcus Salvius Otho carried out a coup against Galba. This happened because the emperor had decided in favor of Lucius Calpurnius Piso Frugi Licinianus in the question of his successor , instead of choosing his former henchman, who had hoped to succeed him. On that day, Sempronius Densus was on duty in the Praetorian cohort, which was tasked with guarding the palace that day and whose loyalty Piso was to check after the coup became known. Densus was also one of the soldiers who did not run away during Piso's address, as the bodyguards did, but stayed at their posts. After Galba had decided to actively oppose the coup and to leave the palace instead of entrenching himself in it, he was accompanied to the forum by the remaining Praetorians and a crowd. The soldiers of Otho, who had been armed in the Praetorian camp after the rumor had spread there that Galba had the mob armed, rushed there and drove the crowd apart. At the sight of the gunmen, the rest of the palace cohort of Galba fell away and ran over to Otho, the emperor himself was thrown out of his litter in the chaos. Only Sempronius Densus had stayed with Galba and did his duty, although he had received no favors from him. The presentation of the following events varies in the sources:

Plutarch describes that Densus first pulled out his centurion's staff and called the Praetorians in the tones of command that they should spare the emperor. When they didn't react and came closer, he drew his sword and fought the attackers until he fell through a wound in the groin.

The description of Cassius Dios is similar to that of Plutarch, but in his description of the events Sempronius Densus was killed over Galba's body after he could not achieve anything with his defense.

The version of Tacitus differs from the other two representations in that Densus was commissioned to protect Pisos and, through his sacrifice, gave him time to escape. Nevertheless, Piso was later killed by the Praetorians in the Temple of Vesta , where he had sought refuge.

Evaluation by the sources

The picture drawn by Sempronius Densus is consistently positive and he has received high recognition for his actions and courage:

Cassius Dio writes that he is the person who deserves the most mention. At Tacitus, Densus is described as an excellent man. Sempronius Densus is highly valued by Plutarch, who writes about him that he was the only man worthy of the Roman Empire.




  1. Tacitus, Historien 1.29 .
  2. ^ Tacitus, Historien 1,31 .
  3. Tacitus, Historien 1,33-34 .
  4. Tacitus, Historien 1.32 .
  5. Tacitus, Histories 1.38 to 40 .
  6. Tacitus, Historien 1.41 .
  7. Plutarch Galba 26 , 4-5.
  8. Plutarch Galba 26 , 5.
  9. Cassius Dio, 64.5 , 4-5.
  10. Tacitus, Historien 1.43 , 1-2.
  11. Cassius Dio, 64,5 , 5.
  12. Tacitus, Historien 1.43 , 1.
  13. Plutarch Galba 26 , 5.