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Senqed was a high ancient Egyptian dignitary at the end of the 18th Dynasty ( New Kingdom ) under King Tutankhamun . He bore the title of "head of wet nurses". Senqed is known with certainty from his grave at Achmim and his sarcophagus from Saqqara . He shared this with Sennedjem , who was the main owner. The tomb is dated under this ruler by inscriptions naming Tutankhamun. Sennedjem's memory has been persecuted in the grave several times. His name in the inscriptions is destroyed. So Sennedjem fell out of favor at the end of his career. Senqed's memory has apparently not been pursued. Senqed is also known from his sarcophagus, which was found in Saqqara and shows Senqed on the lid in the robe of the living. This type of coffin is typical of the end of the 18th Dynasty and the 19th Dynasty. The location far from the grave is unusual, but the sarcophagus appears to have been produced shortly before the grave in Achmim was abandoned as a burial site. The sarcophagus was never transported to Akhmim and may have been intended for a second grave of Senqed in Saqqara.


  • Boyo G. Ockinga et al .: A Tomb from the Reign of Tutankhamun at Akhmim (= Australian Center for Egyptology: Reports Vol. 10). Aris & Phillips, Warminster 1997, ISBN 0-85668-801-0 .