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Sereq-hetit in hieroglyphics
S29 D21
M17 V28 X1
F10 X1

That lets the throat breathe
Shining through Clouds.jpg
Sereq-hetit as the light zone of the sky

In Egyptian mythology and astronomy, sereq-hetit denotes the place where sunlight originates . The meaning “that lets the throat breathe” can be compared with the birth process, when the baby's head sees the light for the first time and takes the first breath while the rest of the body is still in the womb.


The sereq-hetit begins as a sunlight area immediately behind the reteh-qabet . In the Nutbuch , the Sereq-hetit is described as an area "in the area of ​​which the front part of Re is just before sunrise ". The expression Sereq-hetit is rarely used and is usually equated with the protective goddess Selket .

Light and the devotion of the deity symbolize the breathing of the throat, while the darkness ( Keku-semau ) constricts the throat. The light-giving Re turns his back to the darkness and sees the first area of ​​light with his head. The connection of the presence of the sun god and animation appears in many cosmographic texts and hymns in which Re is glorified.


  • Alexandra von Lieven : Floor plan of the course of the stars - the so-called groove book . The Carsten Niebuhr Institute of Ancient Eastern Studies (inter alia), Copenhagen 2007, ISBN 978-87-635-0406-5 , p. 156.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Jan Assmann : Re and Amun , Universitäts-Verlag, Freiburg 1983, pp. 246–258.