Sergei Vladimirovich Schachowskoi

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Sergei Vladimirovich Schachowskoi ( Russian Сергей Владимирович Шаховской * June 14 . Jul / 26. June  1852 greg. In Moscow , † September 30 jul. / 12. October  1894 greg. In Reval ), was a Russian diplomat .


Sergei was a member of the Rurikidischen princes Schachowskoi . His parents were Vladimir Schachowskoi (1813–1879 / 1881) and Alexandra Pavlowna, née Efremowa (1823–1903).

He graduated from Moscow University with a degree in mathematics. He then joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 1875 he was secretary of the consulate in Ragusa , and later also active as a consular in Bucharest and Bulgaria . As early as 1877 he was a functionary of the Red Cross , later a general representative of the company in the Trans Caspi region . From 1881 to 1885 he was governor of Chernigov . As governor of Estonia from 1885 to 1894, he was a major promoter of Russification . Together with his wife, Elisabeth Dmitriewna, née Countess Milyutina (1844–1939), he was also considered a supporter of the Orthodox Church . His marriage was childless.

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