Sergio Givone

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Sergio Givone (born June 11, 1944 in Buronzo , Piedmont region ) is an Italian philosopher and university professor .

Givone studied at the University of Turin with Luigi Pareyson and taught at the universities of Perugia and Turin. Since 1991 he has been a full professor of aesthetics at the University of Florence . In 1982–83 and 1987–88 he was a Humboldt fellow at Heidelberg University .

On the occasion of his 60th birthday, a commemorative publication was published under the title Ermeneutica e pensiero tragico (Genoa 2004).

Since summer 2012 , Givone has also been working as a cultural assessor for the city of Florence .


  • La storia della filosofia secondo Kant , Milano 1972
  • Hybris e melancholia , Milano 1974
  • William Blake. Arte e religione , Milano 1978
  • Ermeneutica e romanticismo , Milano 1983
  • Dostoevskij e la filosofia , Roma-Bari 1984, new edition 2006
  • Storia dell'estetica , Roma-Bari 1988, new edition 2003
  • Disincanto del mondo e pensiero tragico , Milano 1988
  • La questione romantica , Roma-Bari 1992
  • Storia del nulla , Roma-Bari 1995
  • Eros / ethos , Torino 2000
  • Il bibliotecario di Leibniz , Torino 2005


  • Ermeneutica e pensiero tragico. Studi in onore di Sergio Givone , ed. Claudio Ciancio, Genova 2004, ISBN 88-7018-531-1