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The Setiner (also: Setiner Wein or Setischer Wein ) was an ancient wine from the Roman Empire . It grew on the hills of the Latin city ​​of Setia (today's Sezze ) above Forum Appii . According to Pliny the Elder , this tart wine was probably the favorite wine of Emperor Augustus and various of his successors. One reason for this was that the Setiner was beneficial for the digestion of difficult to digest food.


  • Italian wines . In: Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon . 6th edition. Volume 10, Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig / Vienna 1907, p.  112. , There also under "Wines of Antiquity" the "Setiner"
  • André Tchernia: Le Vin de l'Italie Romaine (= Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome. Fascicle 261). École Française de Rome, Paris / Rom 1986, ISBN 2-7283-0106-9 , p. 204 and p. 345–347.
  • André Tchernia, Jean-Pierre Brun: Le Vin Romain Antique. Glénat, Grenoble 1999, ISBN 2-7234-2760-9 , pp. 25-28.
  • Andrew Dalby : Empire of Pleasures. Luxury and indulgence in the Roman world. Routledge, London / New York 2000, ISBN 0-415-18624-2 , p. 34.
  • Andrew Dalby: Food in the Ancient World from A to Z. Routledge, London / New York 2003, ISBN 0-415-23259-7 , p. 298.

Web links

Wiktionary: Setiner  - Explanations of meanings, word origins , synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karl Ernst Georges : Comprehensive Latin-German concise dictionary. 8th edition, Hahnsche Buchhandlung, Hanover / Leipzig 1913 (various reprints), Volume 2, Col. 2640, entry “Setia”.
  2. Pliny the Elder , Naturalis historia 14.61; Martial 13,112.
  3. Pliny the Elder, Naturalis historia 14.61.