Sexta Brigada de Fuerzas Especiales

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The Sexta Brigada de Fuerzas Especiales , 6a Brigada de Fuerzas Especiales or 6a Brigada de FFEE , nicknamed Pachacútec , is a brigade of the Peruvian Army . It was founded in 2012 and is based in Puno . The reason for the establishment of the special unit was the drug smuggling within Peru . She is currently part of the III Division de Ejercito .


The brigade consists of the following units:

  • Command and staff
  • 6. Batallón Comando y Servicios SO1 EP Edgar García Villena (Command and Service Battalion )
  • 613. Batallón de Fuerzas Especiales Capitán EP Ilich Montesinos Quiroz
  • 623. Batallón de Fuerzas Especiales Teniente EP Gerardo Iturraran García
  • 613. Batallón de Comandos Capitán EP Jenner Vidarte Campos
  • 623. Batallón de Comandos Capitán EP Magno Pérez Sánchez
  • 6. Escuadrón de Fuerzas Especiales Sargento EP Rolando Bendezu Rebata

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Peruvian Army Creates the 6th Special Forces Brigade. March 16, 2012, accessed October 27, 2018 .
  2. a b Ejército del Perú crea la Sexta Brigada de Fuerzas Especiales. March 16, 2012, Retrieved October 27, 2018 (Spanish).
  3. ^ III Division de Ejercito. Retrieved November 6, 2018 (Spanish).