Sextus Quintilius Maximus

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Sextus Quintilius Maximus (* in Alexandria Troas ; † 182 in Rome ) was a Roman politician and senator .

Maximus came from Alexandria Troas in the province of Asia . He was either a son of Sextus Quintilius Condianus or Sextus Quintilius Valerius Maximus . In 172 Maximus became a full consul .

It appears that Maximus was the legate of Pannonia superior . According to Cassius Dio , two Quintilii conducted military operations in Pannonia in 178/179 . According to the prevailing view, it was Maximus as governor in Pannonia superior and his brother or cousin Sextus Quintilius Condianus as legate in Pannonia inferior . They were perhaps used in 175 when there was a change of governor, at least in Pannionia inferior , and probably remained in Pannonia until 179, when Condianus returned to Rome to take up his consulate there in 180. Maximus was executed by Commodus in 182 .
