Sharawa Yönten Dragpa

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Tibetan name
Wylie transliteration :
sha ra ba yon tan grags pa

Sharawa Yönten Dragpa ( Tib. Sha ra ba yon tan grags * 1070 , † 1141 ), in short: Sharawa (sha ra ba) , was an important Kadampa Geshe, a representative of the Kadam -School of Tibetan Buddhism . He was one of the main students of Potowa and a teacher of Chekawa .

Kadam Shungpawa (gzhung pa ba) - one of the three lineages of Lamrim - instructions from Dromtönpa - was passed on from Dromtönpa to Potowa and further to Sharawa, via further teachers to Tsongkhapa .


Ga Rabjampa Künga Yeshe (sga rab 'byams pa kun dga' ye shes) wrote about him:

“The great Sharawa had experienced countless visions in which he saw his personal yidam deities face to face. The light of his wisdom had expanded through the study of an unimaginably vast number of Dharma teachings, and his natural intelligence was unparalleled. "


  • Lake Yixi Duojie 拉科 • 益 西多杰: Zangchuan Fojiao gaoseng zhuanlüe藏 传 佛教 高僧传 略 ("Short biographies of important monks of Tibetan Buddhism"), Qinghai renmin chubanshe 青海 人民出版社 2007
  • Zangzu da cidian. Lanzhou 2003

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Chinese Jiaodian pai 教 典 派
  2. cf.  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 419 kB) "Kadampa Treatise Followers" - found on December 7, 2011@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  3. ^ According to Sharawa Yönten Drak - found on December 7, 2011
Sharawa Yönten Dragpa (alternative names of the lemma)
Sharawa Yönten Drak; sha ra ba yon tan grags; Xia'erwa Yundan Zhaba 侠 尔瓦 • 云 丹扎巴, 霞 惹 瓦, sha ra ba; Sharawa; sha ra ba (yon tan grags) ;; 侠 尔瓦 • 云 丹札巴, Xia'erwa Yundan Zhaba; Sempa Chenpo Zhantön Sharawa Yonten Trakpa (sems dpa 'chen po zhan ston sha ra ba yon tan grags pa); Xiarwaba Yundan Zha 夏尔 哇 巴 ・ 云 丹扎; sha ra ba yon tan grags; Sharawa Yönten Drag; Xiarewa Yundan Zhaba 夏 热 瓦 • 云 丹扎巴; sha ra ba yon tan grags pa; Xiarewa; 夏 惹 瓦; Geshe Sharawa