Shelter Islands (Antarctica)

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Shelter Islands
Waters Southern ocean
archipelago Argentine Islands , Wilhelm Archipelago
Geographical location 65 ° 15 ′  S , 64 ° 17 ′  W Coordinates: 65 ° 15 ′  S , 64 ° 17 ′  W
Shelter Islands (Antarctica) (Antarctic Peninsula)
Shelter Islands (Antarctica)

The Shelter Islands ( English for protection islands ) are a group of small islands west of the Antarctic Peninsula . They are located 600 m west of Winter Island in the group of the Argentine Islands of the Wilhelm Archipelago .

Participants of the British Graham Land Expedition (1934-1937) led by the Australian polar explorer John Rymill mapped them. It was named after the fact that the islands provided protection for the anchorage of the expedition ship off Winter Iceland.

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