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Shuchō ( Japanese 朱 鳥 , also Suchō) is a Japanese era ( Nengō ) from August 686 to September 686 according to the Gregorian calendar . The previous era name is Hakuchi , the following era is called Taihō . The era falls during the reign of the Empress ( Tennō ) Jitō .

The first day of the Shucho era corresponds to August 14, 686, the last day was September 30, 686. The Shucho era lasted only 48 days.

Timeline: Overlap of Japanese Nengo and Tenno reigns
Mommu Jitō Temmu Kōbun Tenji Kōgyoku Kōtoku Keiun Taihō (Ära) Shuchō Hakuchi (Ära) Taika Gemmei Kōgyoku

The naming of the government currencies (Nengō) was not used consistently at the beginning and overlaps with the reigns of the Tennō .


Individual evidence

  1. a b Reinhard Zöllner: Japanese calendar. A manual . iudicium, Munich 2003, ISBN 3-89129-783-1 , p. 19, 100 .
Shucho 1
greg. 686
Nengō :