Crescent armored catfish

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Crescent armored catfish
Corydoras hastatus.jpg

Sickled Armored Catfish ( Corydoras hastatus )

Sub-cohort : Ostariophysi
Order : Catfish (Siluriformes)
Subordination : Loricarioidei
Family : Armored and calloused catfish (Callichthyidae)
Genre : Corydoras
Type : Crescent armored catfish
Scientific name
Corydoras hastatus
Eigenmann & Eigenmann , 1888

The sickle- faced catfish ( Corydoras hastatus ) is a small freshwater ornamental fish of the genus Corydoras from the family of armored catfish. It reaches a maximum size of three centimeters and is native to South America from central Brazil to Paraguay.

The inconspicuous light gray-black drawn, often almost transparent-seeming fish moves away - atypical for catfish - often for a long time from the bottom of the water and pervades the open water. The characteristic, dark, lance-shaped spot at the base of the caudal fin gives the species its scientific name : Latin hasta = lance, hastatus = spear-bearer. Crescent armored catfish are pronounced schooling fish.

The petite fish is highly suitable for keeping in aquariums , also in community tanks , where however, due to its small size, it should not be kept together with predatory or aggressive fish.

Like its fellow species, the sickle-faced catfish is an intestinal breather , so it needs free access to the water surface.


Web links

Commons : dwarf corydoras ( Corydoras hastatus )  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files