Security guards

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Security forces is a collective term for executive organs of a state , which serve to enforce the state monopoly of force and to maintain or restore internal security . These include the police , paramilitary units, secret police , domestic intelligence services and the military .

The term is often used in press coverage to refer to police- like, paramilitary or military units in another country when they are deployed on the territory of the state itself. It is practically not used in the context of German state bodies . Because of the wide range, the term is fuzzy and is often used by journalists in cases where no more precise information is possible or a precise explanation is considered too complicated. An example of security forces that have no equivalent in Germany are the associations assigned to the interior ministries in many countries , which often have a quasi-military character and are used, for example, to fight unrest. The National Guard of the United States has no equivalent in Germany, but it is regularly used domestically. The deployment of security forces is also regularly reported when military units are deployed to counterinsurgency .