Sidney ghost

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Sidney Geist (born April 11, 1914 in Paterson , New Jersey , USA , † October 20, 2005 in New York ) was an American painter, sculptor, author and art professor.


Sidney Geist studied at St. Stephen's College , the Art Students League with William Zorach (1889–1966), later also at the Academie Grande Chaumiere in Paris with Ossip Zadkine (1890–1967). After completing his studies, he became a freelance artist. Sydney Geist's first works were in wood and stone. In 1939 he worked with the contemporary artists of New York, the American Abstract Artists Group. Sydney Geist has received two Guggenheim scholarships and the Olivetti Award .

Geist's works have been exhibited internationally. In 1992 a comprehensive retrospective was dedicated to him at the "New York Studio School" .

Sydney Geist taught sculpture at Brooklyn College , the University of California at Berkeley , Southern Illinois University , the Pratt Institute, and the Vermont Studio School from 1961 to 1965 . From 1964 to 1987 he was a professor at the New York Studio School , of which he was also the first president. From 1968 to 1981 he also taught at Vassar College and from 1981 to 1987 at Vermont Studio School .

In 1969 he was guest curator for the great Constantin Brâncuși retrospective at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum . Geist wrote numerous books about the life and work of the Romanian sculptor Brâncuși (1873–1957) and was considered "the" expert for the artist. He was also a sought-after art critic and has published in Artforum , Art International , Artscribe , The Saturday Review and The New Criterion .


  • Sidney Geist: "Brancusi: The Sculpture and Drawings" , Abrams 1975, ISBN 0810901242
  • Sidney Geist: "Brancusi: The Kiss" , Icon (Harpe) 1978, ISBN 0064300811
  • Sidney Geist: "Brancusi: A Study of the Sculpture" , Hacker Art Books 1983, ISBN 0878172904
  • Sidney Geist: "Interpreting Cizanne," Harvard University Press 1988, ISBN 0674459555
  • Sidney Geist, Marielle Tabart: "La Colonne Sans Fin / Les Carnets De L'Atelier Brancusi" , Center Georges Pompidou Service Commercial 1998, ISBN 2858509840
  • Sidney Geist, Barbu Brezianu : "Brancusi:" Le Baiser ", Carnet De L'Atelier Brancusi" , Center Georges Pompidou Service Commercial 1999, ISBN 2844260241

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