Siegmund Friedrich von Wallenrodt

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Siegmund Friedrich von Wallenrodt (* December 11, 1620 , † December 10, 1666 ) was a Kurbrandenburg colonel over a cavalry regiment and heir to Draulitten in East Prussia .

His parents were the heir of large and small presses Siegmund von Wallenrodt and his wife Susanne von der Groeben .

As early as 1635 he was employed by Elector Georg Wilhelm in Brandenburg . There he became a lieutenant in 1640. He then switched to imperial service. In 1650 he became a lieutenant colonel in the Polish regiment under his brother. 1654 became a colonel and commander of the regiment in place of his brother. But he soon switched to Swedish services and took over a cavalry regiment there too. He was then called back to Brandenburg by Elector Friedrich Wilhelm , where he received a cavalry regiment. In 1661 he was also given the office of Angerburg . He died on December 10, 1666.

He was married to Regina Salome von Hardegg.


  • Anton Balthasar König : Siegmund Friedrich von Wallenrodt . In: Biographical lexicon of all heroes and military figures who made themselves famous in the Prussian service . tape 4 . Arnold Wever, Berlin 1791, p. 146 ( Siegmund Friedrich von Wallenrodt at Wikisource [PDF]).
  • Johann Gottfried Biedermann: Gender register of the laudable knights in Voigtlande. 1752, Tabula CCLXIII, digitized genealogical table

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